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Reflection Using Gibbs Reflection Cycle Assessment Answer

800 word (+1- 10%) reflection using Gibb's Reflection Cycle o Select one of the following new skills accomplished during the practical classes in NRSG140:

 ■ Medication administration - Oral medication 

■ Measurement of Blood Glucose Level (BGL) 

0 Using Gibb's Cycle of Reflection as a structural framework, reflect on the relationship of the clinical skill and your preparedness for clinical practicum.


The purpose of this assessment is to help prepare professional documentation for employment and other purposes and to build on reflective writing skills. sad: Reflect on their learning within a professional portfolio to evaluate effective learning and self-care strategies for themselves and others. (GA4, GA10) 




Administration of oral medication to the patients admitted under the supervision of a medical care unit entrusts vital responsibility to the nurses. The storage of the medicines and its usage along with the relevant equipment need to be followed, keeping in consideration the legal, standard and safe medication administration to the patients (Ardian et al. 2019). Reflection on the nursing practices using Gibb’s Reflective Cycle aims to establish the professional skills of the nurses highlighting critical aspects of the process and developing a relationship of the implementation of clinical skills with the preparedness for clinical practicum. 


Gibb’s Reflecting Cycle enabled me to reflect on the experience that I encountered in the practical classes helped me to evaluate my practices with the model that is divided into stages.

Description (facts)

The present COVID situation has stressed more on simulation practical in nursing classes. The educator gave us a scenario of convincing a child suffering from stomach pain to administer oral medication. The scenario had to be enacted through a role-play engaging one of the students to perform the role of the child (Quatrara et al. 2019).  The human patient stimulation is the refinement of our knowledge and helps us in preparing for realistic situations to be encountered as Registered Nurses.

The simulation process enacted in front of the teacher helps in optimizing the outcome and makes us less prone to commit errors. The educator assessed us on the skills of the physical assessment of the child, taking a medical history and motivating communication to be used for the children to get detailed information on the issues she faced. This is related to the topic of administering oral medication as the children often refuse the medicines where they meet trouble in swallowing the tablets prescribed or even reject drugs prescribed in liquid forms due to their appalling taste.

Description (Feelings)

The scenario presented was challenging and involved critical thinking skills to motivate the child in administering oral medication. The age of the patient is another criterion which we have to consider in this scenario. Even in the case of adolescent patients, similar experience occurs where they reject in taking the medication directly because of the bad, sour or bitter tastes (Niemeyer, 2018). I was conscious of engaging the ethical factor of informing the patient that the medicine will be of benefit to her since she is suffering from stomach pain. This helped me in taking and informed verbal consent to administer the medication. A sense of relief also comes when the patient adheres to the request. This scenario provided me with ample scope to explore various strategies in dealing with the children while administering oral medication. 


The evaluation process was conducted by the educator present in the nursing lab. She was encouraging while letting us use different problem-solving techniques to motivate the child and reach a possible outcome (MacLean et al. 2017). The educator also enabled us to use our critical thinking skills in this scenario. I developed a plan of engaging the child in storytelling while mixing the medication in a fruit juice which she likes. This helped me to keep her entertained as well as get the task done.


I analyzed that lack of communication skills, passive listening to the child and no interaction with good gesture and body language could not have resolved the problem. This may happen with any patient who rejects in taking of oral medication (van der Vossen et al. 2019). Even calculating the dosage for the patient keeping in consideration the age, medical history, and the current condition is essential. It is also analyzed by me that one has to be active in this profession where most of the time is engaged in convincing the patient to administer the prescribed drugs.   


In summary, the reflection of this practice highlights on the scope, ethical consideration in a clinical setting and our preparedness to face the real scenario is valued. The educators are instrumental in supporting the clinical skills and motivate us to utilize our communication skills, problem-solving and critical thinking skills to attain the desired objectives of the trade job. 

Action plan

My action-plan in this scenario was to connect with the child and get detailed information on the causes of her pain. The active interaction on different storytelling process with the child, and discussing her favourite cartoon helped me in this scenario (Zahn et al. 2020). This interaction helped me devise strategies which can be implemented for the children as well as for the patients who show the unwillingness of taking medications.  

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