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NRSG372 Medication Adherence Strategies for Multiple Chronic Diseases Patients Assessment Answer

NRSG372 Narrated PowerPoint

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Topic Medication adherence strategies for patients with multiple chronic diseases 

Learning Outcomes

LO3 use advanced pathophysiological knowledge to implement the Levett-Jones' Clinical Reasoning Cycle across a range of settings, to plan safe, evidence-based, culturally sensitive, person-centred care; (GA3, GA4, GA5, GA8, GA9)

LO4 critically apply quality use of medicines, non-pharmacological therapeutic interventions, complementary therapies, goal setting and eHealth strategies in the chronic illness and disability context; (GAS, GA3, GA4, GA5, GA7, GA8)

LO5 apply legal and ethical principles related to the chronic illness and disability context; (GA3)


This assessment task will allow students to demonstrate an understanding of the impact of medication adherence issues for patient with chronic illness and or disability. Students will have the opportunity to apply specific frameworks to ensure critical thinking, clinical reasoning and the principles of caring for people with a chronic illness or disability are applied. Polypharmacy is the use of several medicines concurrently (Page, Falster, Litchfield, Pearson & Etherton-Beer, 2019) and is often observed in patients with one or more chronic diseases. Lam and Fresco (2015) indicate patients with chronic disease correctly take only 50% of medications prescribed. Health care professionals, especially nurses, have a significant role in improving patient medication adherence.


APA 6th Edition as per the ACU study guide References must meet the academic standards of recency, relevance and reliability. 16 high quality resources are to be used (minimum) with no resources over 5 years old

Task — stream A
Task: Students are required to develop a narrated PowerPoint on medication adherence for patients with multiple chronic diseases. It is expected that appropriate evidence-based literature will be used to support the presentation. Students may take inspiration from the patient interviewed in assignment task one, or from experiences from on clinical placement to provide context and examples to answer the following questions:
1. What are consequences of medication non adherence for patients with multiple chronic diseases? 2. What are the patient factors likely to affect medication adherence? 3. Outline THREE suitable strategies to overcome patient-initiated barriers to improve medication adherence for patients with multiple chronic diseases. 4. How would the Registered Nurse evaluate the efficacy of these techniques?
Task — stream B
Task: Students are required to develop a narrated PowerPoint on medication adherence for patients with multiple chronic diseases. It is expected that appropriate evidence-based literature will be used to support the presentation. Students may take inspiration from the patient interviewed in assignment task one, or from experiences from on clinical placement to provide context and examples to answer the following questions:
1. What are consequences of medication non adherence in patients with multiple chronic diseases? 2. What are the health care provider factors likely to affect medication adherence? 3. Outline THREE suitable strategies to overcome health care provider initiated barriers to improve medication adherence for patients with multiple chronic diseases. 4. How would the Registered Nurse evaluate the efficacy of these techniques?  
Instructions for students
1. Instructions on how to record a slide show with narration and slide timings
2. Oral presentations consisting of only reading the content of the PowerPoint will receive very few marks. The purpose of the PowerPoint slide is to give a dot-point overview of concepts (with APA references), with your oral recording further expanding on these points.
3. Academic references must be used to support the discussion. Avoid using consumer resources. The use of consumer resources significantly impacts on the quality of support for the discussion, and significantly reduces the ability to score marks for content sections requiring literature support.
4. A minimum of 16, high quality resources are to be used, and no resources over 5 years old
5. A.P.A. 6th ed. styling for all in-text references and reference list. 


Slide 2: Introduction

Multimorbidity of multi chronic illness is a common scenario (NSW, 2017).and results in the requirement of multiple medications to control the situation. Such multiple medication adherence is necessary among patients with chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, HIV/AIDS and psychiatric illness (Laba et al., 2018). This is a major reason of confusion about medication and polypharmacy gives rise to nonadherence of medication (Rawle et al., 2018)

Slide 4: Threefold Effect of Non-adherence to Medication

The nonadherence of medication results in worsening condition, increased comorbid diseases, increased cost of health care and even lead to early death. There is a threefold impact of medication noncompliance that is experienced in the form of unsatisfactory clinical outcome of the patient, higher cost of treatment, risk of hospitalizations and failure in effective management of the chronic diseases (Brown et al., 2016). 

Slide 5: Healthcare-provider Factors

The relationship between the health care provider or doctor and patient is one of the key health care system related factors that affect medication adherence (Rawle et al., 2018). A good relationship between the patient and health care provider helps in encouragement and reinforcement from the provider (Smaje et al., 2018). On the other hand, a poor communication in relation to benefits and instructions of medication usage results in nonadherence especially among elderly with memory issues (Samje et al., 2018). 

Slide 6: Strategies to Overcome Health-provider initiated barriers

It is important to focus on patient engagement in several self-care activities including medication adherence regimes, lifestyle adjustment, modifications and regular check-ups and health care center visits for effective management of chronic diseases (Dowie, 2017). Engaging patients in meaningful partnerships will make them more receptive to messages delivered by health care providers. They will have a realistic perception about the severity of chronic diseases and benefit of the treatment that in-turn ensures medication adherence (Bailey et al., 2019).

Slide 8: Evaluating the Efficacy of Suggested Techniques 

In order to check the efficacy of the suggested techniques, registered nurses need to ensure adherence to ethical principles of patient care. They should check each of the technique for the processes where patient involvement and disclosure of information is required (Bijani et al., 2017). Any such involvement or engagement should ensure patient privacy related to medical and personal information and confidentiality about the individual’s medical condition (Atkins, 2020). 

Slide 9:

Registered nurses have the obligation to the patient and the ethical principles of nonmaleficence and fidelity. Any instrument or technique to be used for collecting information should be used in a manner to prevent harm and remain faithful to colleagues as well (Bailey et al., 2019). Any disclosure of medical condition should be truthful under the technique and patient’s right to know about the condition and medication, benefits and side effects must be considered while implementing the suggested techniques (Atkins et al., 2020).

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