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Levels of Analysis Framework: Psychology Assignment 1 Answer


1. Summary of the levels of analysis framework

Psychology is defined as the scientific study that includes behaviour and mind. It is observed that ‘behaviour’ refers to the actions and responses, whereas mind represents the internal stages and processes. Therefore, to understand the human behaviour, a biopsychosocial model is developed, which possesses three levels that are necessary (De Houwer & Moors, 2015). These are:

Biological level: The biological level examines the brain processes, hormonal and genetic influences that might be responsible for human behaviour. Hence, it is identified that genetic inheritance of people plays a key role in influencing the depression development process. 

Psychological level: According to Passer, Smith & Norris (2016), the psychological level evaluates the mental processes and motives (psychological) that influence human behaviour significantly. Hence, feelings and thoughts such are pessimistic thinking style might influence the behaviour of human.

Environmental and social level: Cultural factors, physical and social stimuli are examined in this level of analysis. It is found that the environmental and social level can be interpreted as a thought for social context that is necessary in evaluating this model of analysis. 

Hence, it can be said that the primary reason behind applying the levels of analysis in assessing human behaviour is to examine the psychological condition of human effectively. It is found that at the biological level multiple chemicals and neural circuits transfer signals to the body. Further, these things allow human to work accordingly. Following this process, people get motivated in completing or performing any specific task, which can be found at the psychological level. Finally, the specific stimuli is closely attended by the environmental and social levels of analysis (Passer, Smith & Norris, 2016).. Hence, it can be said that levels of analysis is necessary for evaluating the human behaviour as it helps to evaluate the reasons at three levels that triggers a certain action in human behavior.

2. Reflection on my experiences of learning and studying by applying levels of analysis

It is identified that having appropriate time management skills, study skills, test preparation strategies and test-taking skills are necessary in improving academic performance. Hence, effective time management skills allows students to maintain the flow of learning process significantly.

Gaining excellence in time management skills has been the primary target since I enrolled in this course. I suffered multiple times in managing times to enhance my productivity in this academic domain (Passer, Smith and Norris, 2016). However, the levels of analysis framework helped me to understand how to learn and study time management skills significantly. These are discussed below:

Biological level: After the beginning of the academic year, I found myself lost in the competition as I was unable to cope up with the pace of the study. As a result, my learning process is also become problematic. Hence, the brain functioning kept me motivated and helped me to develop a proper psychological action to improve the time management skill. 

Psychological level: To plan the development of time management skill, I have opted for the growth mindset. Hence, this growth mindset has helped me to embrace the time management challenges. Also, I had taken criticism from my peers very competitively, as it helped me to develop a proper plan for a better time management of education, assignments and quizzes. Apart from developing a growth mindset, I also enhanced my knowledge on the time management domain. However, intelligence is much more abstract concept and it can be influenced by mindset and environment (Kim, 2015). Therefore, I have read multiple journals, books and blogs three weeks continuously to identify the possible challenges that I need to face in coming days. Nevertheless, reading such things helped me to focus on necessary duties that are required to implement a better time management skill. Also, I started to take brainstorming session once in a week to generate fruitful ideas that might help me to improve my time management skill. These time management sessions helped me to source new ideas and examine the effectiveness of such ideas focusing on my situation. 

It is observed that repetitive behaviour help people to develop a deep synaptic connection that allows people to perform an action smoothly (Young, 2015). Hence, I have followed the same as I practiced multiple time management activities significantly. 

Environmental and social level: Environmental and social level factors are also considered by me in developing my time management skill. Hence, I have reviewed my past experiences of study and learning that helped me to identify the pitfalls of approach. In addition, I have followed the time management skills of some renowned speakers, who manage their time wisely. These helped me to maintain my focus and eventually, I have been able to manage time more precisely. 


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