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Health Promotion and Education: ​Nurses Role in Primary Health Care Assessment 1 Answer

Assessment 1 Part A Outline

Nurses Role in Primary Health Care, Health Promotion and Education

From the various Australian community health settings outlined in the subject content or discovered in your own research (ie: correctional services nurse, school nurse, women’s health nurse, Child and Family Health nurse, Community Mental health nurse, etc):

  1. Select one (1) Primary Health Care (PHC) Nursing role of interest to you and describe the purpose and responsibilities of this role.
  2. Justify the importance of this nursing role in PHC outcomes (to the individual consumer, to the community, to policy related to the selected role) making use of the relevant literature

Assessment 1 Part B Outline

Nurses Role in Primary Health Care, Health Promotion and Education

Following on from the PHC nursing role selected in part A, select a health promotion/education/information resource from those provided In the ‘Assessment Resources’ folder on the LMS that could be used to support the health education for a chosen consumer/s (individual, community, group) in relation to the identified health need.

Write a report addressing the following requirements:

  1. Describe the intended consumer group for this resource
  2. Outline the intended purpose of the resource
  3. Discuss the suitability of the resource for the intended consumer/s supporting your points/argument making use of the relevant literature.
  4. Discuss the benefits or challenges of the resource in relation to health promotion/education, supporting your points/argument making use of the relevant literature.

Suggested Format

Include a title page showing:

  • Student name
  • Student number
  • Subject
  • Clinical School/Campus

Part A: Nurses Role in Primary Health Care  suggested structure.

  • Brief introduction to the assignment as a whole.
  • PHC role (200 words)
  • Importance (500 words)

Part B: Health Promotion and Education – suggested structure

  • Brief description of your chosen Health Education resource
  • Intended consumer group (100 words)
  • Intended purpose (100 words)
  • Suitability (200 words)
  • Benefits and challenges (400 words)

Use of headings & sub-headings is acceptable Follow APA 6 referencing guidelines Include a reference list


Part A


The first level of medical health is considered as Primary health care. For minor injuries and the illness, the patients receive the care as well as the procedures of preventive medicine. Most of the time, the patients prefer the same nurses and the doctors for the service for the primary health issues. This professional is considered as the Primary care nurse and the primary care physicians.  

PHC Role

The school nurse's role and responsibility are to provide health care to the students by intervention, follow-up, and assessment. The school nurse addresses the social, mental, emotional, and physical health needs of students and to support all the students in the process of learning. School provides the treatment to those students who come to school with medically fragile or who is having chronic health problems. School nurse leads the programs, policies, and procedures for the school health service at the district level. School nurse also provides the education and skills which encourage in problem-solving, effective communication, and self-empowerment. The school nurse's important role is to promote the idea of self-management and enables the student to manage the condition in making a life decision. School nurse provides the change agents at the implementation and development level, promoting the healthcare and education level. Primary prevention is employed by the school nurse to provide health education, which promotes mental and physical health. School nurse provides a safe and healthy school environment which is based on a community health perspective (Dahl, & Clancy, 2015).  Assisting families and students with the health care service, the school nurse strives to promote health equity. For actual and potential health problems, the current school nurse provides quality health care. School nurse provides prevention to diagnosed health concerns and conditions.


The importance of Nursing in PHC outcome is, they incorporate health care with personal care. They also prevent the development of the community and the illness. The nurses of PHC include inter-social communication, community self-determination, and equity. They understand the political, cultural, and social determinants of health. The nurses of PHC is are the practitioners who are specified for the educational preparation, relevant legislation, and have the license of registering authority to practice (Hoeve, Jansen &Roodbol, 2014).  The nurse f PHC has the ethical and legal responsibilities of a satisfactory knowledge base and requires demonstration and accountability for practice. They also protect the rights of the group and the individual. Nurse of Public health care provides socially appropriate practice, which is scientifically sound, the first level care, and they access universally. They work independently and give the preference to one who needs mostly and addresses inequalities in health. The importance of PHC nursing is they maximize the community and control the individual self-reliance. To promote public health, they collaborate and make a partnership with other sectors as well. The other importance of PHC nursing is they advise and support the process of legislative, which are numerous in the organization of health policy. They can participate in decision making, implementing the policies, and bringing the needed perspective into the process, which will benefit the people. The nurse can become the decision-maker, and they can take the roles of leadership. The nurses of primary health care also make them accessible to the community and the individual at any relevant cost which the patient can afford. They focus on the community's participation by identifying the environmental and economic determinants (Kimball et al., 2020). They provide basic service for those who require everyday care and helps the patient for their regular checkup. Nurses of PHC evaluate and analyze the policies, regulations, and the laws of health care. They administrate the grants and advise the public and policymakers. PHC nurses reaffirm public health as a right of humans and see the development and the economy as the attainment of the prerequisite of health for all. The look for the protection and promotion of health. This helps in the reduction of disparities of health and social exclusion, having the positive impacts social and economic development on world peace. The participation of the individual or group is seen by the nurse of Public health care and implement the patients' health care as the duty and human rights. The nurse of Public health care acknowledges the culture, dignity, values, and individual rights. The most important factor of the Nursing of Public health care is they try to solve all the problems that arise every day and manage all the patient's demands even on the busy schedules. They also solve the problem related to the software system and support the receptionist's decision. They also provide education to those students who enter for clinical placement for practice and other teams or members, including GPs (Dahl & Clancy, 2015). 

Part B

Health Promotion and Education

Vaccination is a vital tool which provides immunity against approximately 20 diseases (WHO, 2017; Wang et al., 2014). If the children in school are educated about the importance of immunisation, then it may bring a recommendable change in society. The nurse in school can play a vital role in this process as they have a better chance of educating kids about vaccinations and explaining why it's essential. They can drive the message better using health education sources (International Council of Nurses, 2009).

Brief Description of the Health Education Resource

Continuous medical education is a must to educate the general public about the importance of various healthcare programs. A pamphlet is a commonly used educational aid used to reinforce the learning (Mohammadi et al., 2015). The pamphlet resource which we are discussing here talks about the importance of immunisation in children, especially in the early years. The resource is an education tool of the National Immunization Program of the Australian Government. It has two pages and depicts the importance of immunisation in young kids. The colour, font size and orientation of the pamphlet are appropriate and impressive. It also specifies that in Australia, the rate of vaccination is quite significant. The first page imparts all vital information in pointers and highlights. Contact Information is also clearly mentioned on this page. The Second page gives some more essential details about vaccination. At last, a quote of Professor Ian Frazer AC is cited to substantiate the pamphlet. Professor Ian Frazer is renowned Immunologist and co-creator of cancer-preventing human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. 

Intended Consumer Group of the Resource

The resource is intended to educate school kids about the importance of vaccination. Immunisation is a vital component of primary health and saves millions of lives every year. Despite tremendous global efforts, approximately 20 million infants, don’t have proper access to vaccines (WHO, 2017). Although in Australia vaccination rate in children is around 94% and a government-run different program for immunisation in schools, e.g., Queensland’s School Immunisation Program (SIP) which immunises children of Year 7 and Year 10 for free in all Queensland state and non-state secondary schools (Queensland Health, 2020).

In Victoria, local councils are well aware of the importance of immunisation in early years and give information and consent form to all secondary schools for immunisation. Local councils and secondary schools also allocate school nurses for immunisation at the school (Council on School Health, 2016).

Intended Purpose of the Resources

The school nurses play a vital role in the health care of school kids. The immunisation is an essential part of primary health care for kids; thus, the mentioned resource will be of immense importance to educated kids. The intended purpose of the resource is to educate children about the importance of vaccination. The immunisation pamphlet is a health education source that the school nurse will use to give the school kids on

  • The kinds of serious illnesses that vaccination can prevent and avoid death.
  • How immunisation is a safe way to protect them against those diseases
  • Explaining how Australia is having a high rate of vaccination hence being able to control because of which that disease is rare.

It informs children that they can be an apart of making a difference and getting the entire community safe through vaccination (Better Health Council, 2020). With the help of health care nurses, the immunisation awareness will help reach places wherein drive is slow.


This pamphlet would be an excellent educational resource for informing the target group about immunisation. The resource is light weighted and handy, hence is suitable for kids. These pamphlets can be easily distributed to kids, and, they can comfortably carry the resources to their homes. Highlighted information and pointers are used in the pamphlet. Henceforth, school-going children can understand it easily. The information is very much relevant for young children, and they can relate to it. The school nurses can also make the children use this resource to create awareness among the community. The resource is suitable enough to meet the intended purpose of educating school children about immunisation. It imparts useful information can that a lot of research and testing has taken place; vaccines are the safest and most effective medication that can help save children from life-threatening diseases.

Benefits & Challenges

Educational aids and resources are of immense importance in healthcare. Early education about such crucial issues like vaccination would be beneficial. The resource also gives contact information for the national immunisation program, which is quite noteworthy. Overall the resource is informative and comprehensive, thus making it a useful tool to educate kids (Mohammadi et al., 2015). 

The Most noticeable challenge is that the intended consumer group is school kids; hence the pamphlet should have more pictures and aids to understand the information. Secondly, it is a single resource that has running text consisting of only a page of headers. The kids would want charts, other physical aids to help them understand how vaccines work and its importance at certain ages. There has to be a backup of additional resources to support the health care nurse to delve into concepts that get the children thinking and get their parents and acquaintances involved in the program too.

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