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Essay on Importance of Hard and Soft Skills for Employee Assessment Answer


Your plan and introduction paragraph together should be approximately 350-450 words in length (not including the template).”



PART ONE - ESSAY PLAN                                





 “(author(s) and year)”



 “Provide background information and context:”




 “State your thesis (your overall position) using a complete sentence:”

 “Outline the arguments you will use to support your thesis:”




Argument 1


 “Write the topic sentence using a complete sentence:”



 “Supporting sentences (explanations, examples, evidence):”






 “Refutation of counter-argument:”



Argument 2


 “Write the topic sentence using a complete sentence:”



 “Supporting sentences (explanations, examples, evidence):”






 “Refutation of counter-argument:”



Argument 3 – OPTIONAL


 “Write the topic sentence using a complete sentence:”



 “Supporting sentences (explanations, examples, evidence):”






 “Refutation of counter-argument:”





 “Re-state your thesis.”


 “Re-state the main arguments supporting your thesis:”

 “A concluding statement (eg refer to future implications, suggestions or recommendations for future research):”


Note: the grey area suggests that sources should not be used in that section of the essay plan




(author(s) and year)
Provide background information and context:
  • Soft skills are more important than hard skills for an employee to get hired

State your thesis (your overall position) using a complete sentence:
  • This essay will discuss the importance of both the hard and soft skills for an employee  and that both should be present within the employees for influencing the employers to hire them

Outline the arguments you will use to support your thesis:
  • Empathy is equally important for an employee to be possessing along with the hard skills
  • Soft skills alone cannot define the competency of an interviewee
  • Both hard skills and soft skills are equally important for an employee to be hired in the corporate world

Argument 1
Write the topic sentence using a complete sentence:
  • Soft skills in an employee help him/her to learn hard skills while hard skills enable him/her to prove his/her potential to do the job. Thus, both the skills are equally important for a new employee to possess

Supporting sentences (explanations, examples, evidence):
  • Employers want new employees to have stronger soft skills as well as hard skills
DeLong & Elbeck 2018
  • Business need employees to be having excellent hard skills and that soft skills are undervalued by the employers
Westerhaus 2018
Refutation of counter-argument:
  • Example of empathy meltdown incidence in 2007 when a United Airline employee was seen dragging a passenger from his paid seat
  • This incidence caused public outrage and the company had to suffer a loss in its market value of nearly $1 billion
Westerhaus 2018
Argument 2
Write the topic sentence using a complete sentence:
  • The employees should be having a balance between the hard and soft skills and that is the bottom line for an employer to hire 

Supporting sentences (explanations, examples, evidence):
  • There could be nothing more damaging for a leader to have excellent hard skills with insufficient soft skills 
Westerhaus 2018
  • Soft skills are rated more important than hard skills for an entry-level success
DeLong & Elbeck 2018
Refutation of counter-argument:
  • Soft skills support hard skills
  • Some of the traits like Team working has been counted under both hard and soft skill
  • Soft skills alone cannot define the competency of an interviewee 
Colman & Willmot 2016
Argument 3 – OPTIONAL
Write the topic sentence using a complete sentence:
There is no evidence of the degree of which of the hard and soft skills that could define the best performance for the employees 
DeLong & Elbeck 2018
Supporting sentences (explanations, examples, evidence):
A study in 2009 revealed that 85%  of the job success depends on the soft skills as possessed within the employees 
Another study in 2010 revealed that 25% of the 25% of the job success depended on the technical knowledge as possessed by the candidates
DeLong & Elbeck 2018
  • Soft skills are increasingly important than hard skills as the latter can be outsourced
Colman & Willmot 2016
Refutation of counter-argument:
  • Soft skills in individuals show them to dominate the complexity of the skills to attempt to learn qualities
  • Hard skills, on the other hand, is equally important which show an individual to be possessing tangible domains of knowledge
  • Both hard and soft skills are important for an employee to be called for the second round of interview 
DeLong & Elbeck 2018
Re-state your thesis.
Re-state the main arguments supporting your thesis:
Hard skills alone could not define the competency of a candidate. The hard skills should be supported by soft skills and hence, both could be required to be possessed by an employee to get selected in the corporate world.
  • Soft skills in an employee help him/her to learn the hard skills 
  • Hard skills help him/her to prove his/her calibre to do the job.

A concluding statement (eg refer to future implications, suggestions or recommendations for future research):
  • Future research should be conducted for investigating the potential of the candidates when he/she possesses a balance between hard and soft skills 

Note: the grey area suggests that sources should not be used in that section of the essay plan


It is a perplexing situation for every employer while selecting suitable employees where they are sceptical in deciding which skills of the employees could be most suitable-hard skills or soft skills. However, here, the trick lies in knowing which skills these employers are looking for. An employee could have the potential to learn hard skills if he/she possesses good soft skills. On the other hand, hard skills in the employee prove his/her calibre to do the specific job efficiently. This essay will be highlighting the importance of both the soft and hard skills that need to be affiliated within the employees for convincing an employer to hire for the respective jobs. The essay will also be discussing which of these skills would be more important for an employee to be possessing for getting hired in the corporate world.

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