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Different Skills and Qualities of Change Leader Assessment Answer

SECTION 2 -  Essay Type question (40 Marks)

Describe the qualities of a change leader and how leaders can serve as role models for change. Using the The Eight-Stage Model of Planned Organizational Change, suggest your action plan on how you would plan a change in your organisation. Limit your answers by 900 words. (Max. 40 marks)



Change is a very common phenomenon in the business world with globalization. With the present competition in the business world, change is taking in every business and hence, the leaders of the business firms have a crucial role in this change management. The purpose of the study is to make aware people a leader's qualities and roles for change in an organization. The essay will focus on different skills and qualities of a leader and the activities of a role model leader to foster a change in an organization. The final part of the essay will discuss an action plan with the use of Kotter’s change model for organizational change.

Qualities of a change leader 

Change is very common to a business organization. Change can take place in an organization due to many reasons with globalization in this world. Successful change in the modern business organization is one of the biggest problems and hence, a change leader has to face many challenges while incorporating a change in his or her organization. According to (Schaubroeck et al., 2016), a successful change leader must communicate a business case for change and he or she must take actions to incorporate the change throughout the organization. The effort of change from the leader is required to align with the vision and mission of the organization and its strategic plan. The change initiatives are required to be communicated to all the concerned employees so that they can be updated with those regularly. 

On the other side Daly et al., (2019) argued that an effective change leader should demonstrate the quality of facilitation and collaboration in order to build support and root out barriers in the path of change in the organization. A change leader must build the structure of change and support them for its incorporation. This type of demonstration of skills will help the other team members to be influenced and embrace change within the organization. As stated by Wellington, (2017), the third quality of a change leader is people management power. People are the main resource that can resist a change in a corporation. An effective change leader is required to tackle and convince his or her team members that the change will benefit them. 

A leader as a role model for change

Leaders are the most effective and suitable person for incorporating change in an organization and they can work as a role model to positively impress his team members or others for a change. Kim et al., (2017) have stated that while working as a role model in a company, the behaviour and attitude of a leader is one of the major attributes of a leader in the workplace. Change can be confusing to other employees but the leader is required to be positive always and with his or her positive attitude he or she can influence others to root in the change in the organization. Exhibition of integrity is the second quality of a role model leader. While making a change within the business firm, the leader as a role model will think for everyone in the company and not for only himself or herself. Employees will automatically respect the role model leader who cares for them and for their welfare and then they will embrace the change in their organization. Raley et al., (2017) have stated that employees are the biggest assets in an organization and a role model leader will learn about the needs for his or her team members and will know about their other requirements. The leader will negotiate the management for the good of his or her team members and in this way, he or she can gain his or her subordinates' support from the employees. It will make it easy for the leader to make a change within the organization. Hence, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that leadership role model is very common and a role model leader can effectively root in a change in his or her organization. 

Action plan for a change using the Eight-Stage Model of Planned Organizational Change

Application of a model can make better the incorporation of a business strategy. A change has many challenges or adversities and hence, a change model can be used for better incorporation of change within an organization. An action plan can be applied through the use of Kotter’s change model to incorporate a change in a business corporation. According to Kang et al., (2020), Kotter's eight-step change model can be an effective change model to foster a change within a business unit. In the first step, urgency for change will be created identifying the main threats in the company. In the second stage, the effective change leaders will be identified for incorporating change. The third stage, change strategies will be created by an effective leader. The leader is required to align the needs of change with those strategies so that the objectives of the actual change cannot divert.   

The leader will communicate those strategies to his or her team members for their studies. In this stage, the leader will explain all the reasons for such change within the organization. In this stage, the respective leader can face the challenges or conflicts from his or her team members. The fifth stage is regarding removing obstacles related to change. The change leader will continuously check the barriers related to change and thus, will ensure that organizational processes are aligned with the vision of the company. In the sixth step, the leader will ensure some short-term wins by getting support from team members who attend regular meetings. In the seventh stage, the leader will make continuous improvement by telling success stories from his or her experience. In the final stage, the leader will anchor the change with the culture of the company and ensure the change. Hence, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that Kotter’s model of change can be appreciated more than other change models as it goes through step by step and the employees of an organization can adapt the entire change slowly. 


A leader in the competitive business world has many responsibilities to incorporate a change in an organization. The attitude of a leader is one of the main qualities for fostering change in an organization. The positive attitude of a leader impresses lots of subordinates to embrace change in an organization. In the same way, communication by the leader or learning about the subordinates by a lender is necessary for a leader. There are many change models to incorporate change and of them, Kotter's change model has been proved to be much effective for appositive organizational change through a number of consecutive steps.  

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