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Contribute to Developing Knowledge in Field or Study: Social Research Two Essay Answer

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Unit learning outcomes

Introduction to Social Science Research Two Essay


Lynne Reynolds

Understand research approaches and methodologies and the ethical implications associated with undertaking research in the social sciences.

Completing Your Assignment

What am I required to do in this assignment?

In the assessment 1 you were asked to complete an essay plan. You have received feedback on this plan and you will now work with that plan to create a 1000 word essay. In order to do this you should follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: You must answer the same question that you chose for your essay plan in assignment 1

Step 2; You should re read the feedback provided by tutors for your essay plan and make any suggested improvements

Step 3: You should now start to develop that assignment 1 plan to create the 1000 word essay. You will need to begin by conducting some wider reading around your chosen question. Remember to make detailed notes from that reading and to put what you have read into your own words. This will help you to develop paraphrasing skills

Step 4: You should then return to your plan and using your notes now expand on each section. In this way you can build on your original points and develop your work into an essay of 1,000 words

Step 5:Your essay should be structured so that it has a title, a clear beginning (introduction), middle (main body) and a clear ending (Conclusion). Followed by a list of sources that you have read.

Remember to use the Harvard referencing style Step 7: You will submit your work via grade center

Isa size limit?

Yes, 1,000 words

What do I need to do to pass?

You will need to demonstrate the following:

That you can describe research approaches and methodologies.

That you can explain how research approaches and methodologies are used for different purposes. That you can discuss the strengths and weaknesses in the research methodologies used so that the research can be improved.

Proof read your work prior to submitting it. Ensure that you submit your essay on time.

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?

This will be discussed further in class but you should ensure that you follow all instructions in this assignment brief .

You should also read the marking criteria at the end of this document so that you know what it is that the marking team is looking for in order to award a grade which merits your efforts and work.

How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

Each week the lecture and tutorial content will introduce you to a new approach to researching in the social sciences. You will make notes from the lectures and tutorials and draw upon these and other texts introduced to you on the unit. You will also be able to draw on the feedback given to you during tutorials and from assignment 1 in order to develop your essay plan into your final submission of an essay. You can then use your knowledge, understanding and notes to write your essay .

Writing an essay will help you to develop many skills, such as: keeping to a word count, reading academic literature, written expression, grammar, referencing and using feedback to develop your work


WHY Research is important


Research is the process of systematic search, sometimes accidental, for new knowledge, usually carried out within academic disciplines by researchers. Research refers to results on increasing knowledge, results that can only be considered new if they are recognized as such internationally. Otherwise, it cannot be a research activity, but a documentation one. Researchers are more oriented to the international audiences of other scientists for which they publish than to the needs of practitioners (Green, 2009). The main purpose of research is to inform action, to prove a theory and to contribute to developing knowledge in a field or study.

Main Body

Research can be looked at as an experience of creating new area of knowledge where all the existing ideas and knowledge regarding the topic in the same field are taken into consideration for bringing out something completely new, by going through the process of methodologies and different understandings regarding the topic. Results of research are used to improve ways of life, break barriers and boundaries and bridge the gaps between people. There are many reasons why research is important, from which three of them will be discussed: 

  • Research encourages growth: Through research, continuous learning is possible. This is an avenue to avoid stagnation of the mind and provide area for knowing issues that are haunting the world. Research has shaped the world by developing individual geared towards genuine and holistic growth. It has produced intellectuals who are advocate for change and defender of rights. 
  • It is to be noted that human mind seeks knowledge for improving and sustaining the quality of life in the present as well as in future. This makes social research an important part where human behaviour environments and the world around us is explored and studied in detail (Babbie, 2009 and Bonaiuto and Bonnes, 2000). A social research helps to understand different issues like poverty, crime, deviancy and provide results that are beneficial for the communities and the society (Babbie, 2009).  
  • Technology advancement is the perfect example of how research improved people’s lives, for instance research and advancements in the field of technology has completely changed the methods of education, communication, business, art and literature making the life of people more advanced (Naikoo et al., 2018). Technology has brought societies closer, improved international trade and made online education possible. By doing researches on different fields of operation like transport, communication or agriculture, etc., it resulted in creating devices that helps to improve the speed of getting to the achievement faster. New developments in technology come from advances in basic sciences (Paap, 1994). Along with technology improvements it contributes also to making research growth easier, by giving birth to new ideas, theories and methods and decreasing exponential of human error (Bahçekapili et al., 2013)
  • Research improves practice: Research is important because it suggests improvements for professional practice in every field of study, like education, teaching, nursing, medicine, social issues, etc (Brown and Sharp, 2010 and Appleton, 2008). This is so because research helps in making informed decisions and identify the exact cause of problems related with the field of study. Such an approach makes it possible to find customized solutions to the issues and problems making it possible to bring a positive change in people’s life (Brown and Sharp, 2020). Teachers and other educators became more effective professionals after learning new methods of pedagogy and teaching methods from research (Creswell, 2012). Also, research in the field of healthcare has made early and efficient diagnosis of health problems and diseases possible along with preventing the development and recurrence (Young, 2015) of diseases like hormonal imbalance, autoimmune disorders, lifestyle diseases etc.
  • Means to Understand Various Issues - Research can shed light on issues we didn’t even know existed and can raise questions we hadn’t realised even needed asking" (Freedman, 2011). A research problem is an affirmation regarding an area of concern, a condition that needs to be improved or a theory that exists and that points the need for meaningful understanding and investigation.
  • Help Solve Critical Issues

Research helps in finding specific solutions for critical issues in various fields like healthcare and society (Young, 2015). In case of social problems, research addressed the issues by examining the assumptions that are root cause of the problems, like the issue of substance abuse is found to be associated with psychology and life experiences of an individual that needs to the help of a psychologist along with a physician (Elliott and Hurst, 2008). A research in the field of issues related with girls education provides direction to improve the situation by offering girl-friendly infrastructure, cost-reducing processes, safety in schools etc. 

Since ancient times, researches had asked questions related to various kinds of mysteries which impacted our way of life. Humankind was always a curious race and with a desire for knowledge, this including solving different kind of problems that can alter our way of living. Always we have faced natural disasters or various diseases, which gave the researchers the opportunity to offer their time and knowledge in discovering ways to prevent them. Research is the key factor in identifying and understanding an issue, that leads to analyse it and evaluate any possible solutions, for example, research in the field of stigmatisation associated with mental illness have made it possible to introduce formal mental health policies and formal interventions to bring people back to mainstream societies after treatment and recovery.  Through these means, researches have found ways to improve our way of life, by making it safer and easier with technology development, medicine and methods for a healthy lifestyle. For instance, clinical trials have provided useful vaccines drugs, medical devices and diagnostics that helped in reducing the mortality rate of infants and improved the health and well-being of mothers in developing nations. 


Research is an important part of academics which helps open new avenues of knowledge and decision-making process. It provides them to have rigorous knowledge on a given importance by following the research process in a systematic manner with the help of a theoretical and conceptual framework. Research is applied in every aspect of our life and has the role to reduce inefficiency and as a problem-solving method. Researchers must be adept enough to implement their research skills in a proper manner to increase the scope of their contribution in their field of expertise.

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