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Communication Campaign Plan- Donate Life Week Assessment Answer

1. Campaign plan (1000 words) (22 marks)

You will develop a 1000-word communication campaign plan in response to a creative brief provided in Week 8.

The components of a campaign plan will be discussed in detail in classes; however, your plan must meet the client’s brief and include:

  • Situational analysis (SWOT)
  • Background research on the issue(s) and audience(s)
  • Publics: segmented
  • Goal
  • Strategy
  • Objectives
  • Tactics
  • Proposed Evaluation

The plan should use report writing style and make use of headings, sub-headings, tables, bullet points, images and graphs where necessary. Report writing style will be covered in classes and resources will be provided on Canvas.

You need to justify your analysis and recommendations using the concepts covered in the lectures, tutorials, and set readings. 

2. Campaign content – a media release + one social media post (18 marks)

The media release will be based on the key strategy you have chosen in your campaign plan. Media release conventions will be covered during the semester and your submitted media release must adhere to these conventions.

Submit one (1) example social media post to support your campaign.

  • Your post must be clearly linked to your plan, i.e. be mentioned as a tactic in your plan. You must make sure you choose relevant platforms.
  • Your post should include visual content e.g. an image, photo, video, boomerang, infographic, etc. These must be directly related to the text you have written. We will discuss ways to provide example visuals in tutorials, but if you cannot find an appropriate example visual, you may write a short descriptor instead (max 50 words).
  • Use captions/hashtags/links/images etc as appropriate to your plan and the platform. You must abide by the platform parameters e.g. Twitter 280 characters, Instagram no links in captions.
  • Your posts must clearly aim to foster engagement and dialogue between the organisation and its publics. No marketing or sales posts.
  • Posts must be professional in nature. You may use templates to mock up your posts if you wish. 

Format and Presentation Requirements

  1. Sources must be referenced using APA style.
  2. At the end of your report include a correctly formatted reference list of all the works you have cited in your report.
  3.  Your campaign plan and campaign content should be two separate files. Separate submission areas are provided on Canvas for each of these components. 



Part A


Campaign plan can be described as a short-term plan which is integrated with communications to improve the sales of the business firms. Therefore, in this report, a communication campaign plan will be produced for the client Organ and Tissue Authority about their campaign Donate life week. Through this communication plan, the awareness about organ donation will be spread among the 18 to the 25-year age group of Australian. The company is owned by the Australian government which works to improve the organ and tissue donation and transplantation in the country (Govt, 2020). In order to generate this communication campaign plan, Swot analysis, strategy, objectives, tactics and other areas will be considered. In addition, there will be recommendations in the end by addressing the issues of the organization.


● Situational analysis (SWOT)

In order to define the current situation of Organ and tissue authority, swot analysis will be used in this report. As per the view of Phadermrod, Crowder & Wills, 2019), swot analysis is a strategic planning tool to analyse the strengths and weakness of the business firms. Below, the swot analysis of the Organ and Tissue Authority is discussed in the table manner.  

  • Part of the Australian government 
  • In 2019, the donation and transplantation activity has grown by 122%

  • 548 decreased organ donors in 2019
  • Low communication budget.

  • Incorporation with the Government to spread awareness among more people

  • Lack of knowledge among the Australians about organ donation

Table 1: Swot analysis

(Source: Created by author)

● Background research on the issue(s) and audience(s)

There are several issues that exist in the implementation of this communication strategy. Below they are mentioned:

  • There are only 2 to 3% Australian who are suitable as organ donors.
  • Low level of awareness regarding donation and registration in a particular segment in Australia. 
  • It has been observed that in the community groups, campaigning needs to be generated by considering the sensitive issue which restricts the activities of communication programmes.

● Publics: segmented

The target segment for this communication plan is 18 to 25-year-old Australian. This target segment has been selected because there is a huge lack of awareness among this particular target segment regarding organ and tissue donation. The report of Govt (2020), reveals that around 88% Australian of this age bar register themselves as a donor, but among them, only 14% of the population signed up for donation. That is why this particular segment has been targeted to spread awareness. 

● Goal

The primary goals of this communication campaign plan are as follows:

  • To promote high awareness among the age group of 18 to 25 about the importance of organ and tissue donation.
  • To improve the capability and capacity of the health system by maximizing the donation rate in Australia.
  • To develop awareness among the community group about organ and tissue donation through the promotion 
  • To enhance the stakeholder engagement in the organ and tissue donation in Australia

● Strategy

In this communication campaign plan of donating life week, some strategies will be followed to implement the plan successfully. The strategies are discussed below: 

Creating a common vision: 

Initially, a common vision will be set up to develop this communication campaign plan. In the view of Yang & Liu, (2020), generating vision is effective to implement any plan accurately. For this purpose, the problem will be analysed in detail to identify the solution. In this way, the common vision will be followed.

 Creating a common vision

Figure 1: Creating a common vision 

(Source: Created by author)

Understanding the stakeholders:

The stakeholders of this communication campaign plan are the 18 to 25 age group of Australian, community members, the Australian government, health organization and others. However, it is needed to understand the stakeholder’s interest as they may support the campaign or provide adverse effects.

Accurate planning:

The planning is essential in this campaign strategy; therefore, proper planning will be generated by including the budget, time schedule and other significant factors.

● Objectives

There are three objectives of this communication campaign plan. They are as follows:

  • To encourage the young Australian for tissue and organ donation.
  • To develop the health system of the country.
  • To gather more donors in Australia by registering themselves.  

● Tactics

Three specific tactics will be followed in this campaign that is mentioned below: 

Grabbing media attention:

Organ and Tissue Authority will grab the media attention to spread the awareness of tissue and organ donation among more people of 18 to 25 age bar. As mentioned by Tresch & Feddersen, (2019), media coverage is effective to grab more attention of the people in a campaign.  

Social media promotion:

In order to spread awareness to more Australian about organ donation, social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) promotion will be adopted. The report of Exalted Digital (2020), shows that around 79% of Australian uses social media in daily life.    

Campaign advertising:

The campaign will be promoted through different advertising methods such as poster, radio, TV announcement, and billboard and through others.

● Proposed Evaluation

In the strategy section, it has been proposed that the Organ and Tissue Authority will generate a vision first to implement this campaigning programme in an organized way. Along with this, understanding the stakeholder interest will be helpful to maintain the activity of this campaign significantly. On the other hand, it is also proposed that social media promotion will be arranged for this campaign as in the era of digitization, with the help of social media campaigning, it will be possible to gather more people for this campaign.   


Recommendations are provided in this section to implement this communication campaign programme more successfully in Australia. 

  • Organ and Tissue Authority needs to present the data and statistics of tissue and organ donation in Australia to gather the attention of the public with ease.
  • It is needed to invest certain money on the research and development area to present the message of this campaign more accurately to the target age group. 


In conclusion, the Organ and Tissue Authority needs to consider the proper planning of this campaign in order to implement the programme successfully in the market. Media engagement and social media promotion will be effective in this case.


Media Release Planning Worksheet

Planning questions

(a) What is the specific focus of this release?
Answer: The specific focus of this release to promote awareness regarding tissue and organ donation among the 18 to 25 years age group in Australia. Along with this, through this release, the health system of the country will be improved by increasing the donors.  
(b) Who is this message designed to reach?
Answer: This message is designed specifically for the 18 to 25 years age group in Australia through arranging the donate life week campaign. 
(c) What is in it for this particular public? What are the potential benefits and rewards?
Answer: This particular public has been chosen as it has been observed that the consciousness about the importance of organ donation is very less in this particular age bar. 
The potential benefit and reward of this media release are, it will be effective to increase the number of organ donors in Australia. Therefore, through this, the health system will be improved in the country.  
(d) What goal is the organisation pursuing? What is the organisation’s purpose for issuing this release?
Answer: The Organ and tissue authority is pursuing some goals through this press release. They are:
  • To improve the capability and capacity of the health system in Australia 
  • To raise community awareness and stakeholder engagement across Australia. 
The purpose of the organ and tissue authority is to spread awareness among the people about organ donation and to increase the donor number. 
(e) What do you want to achieve with the media release?
Answer: Through this media release, it will be possible to gather more people for this campaign and influence them to register themselves as an organ donor in Australia. The media release is always effective to grab the attention of people easily (Tresch & Feddersen, 2019). 
(f) What themes should this media release highlight? How can they be tailored to the format of a specific publication and its readers?
Answer: This media release should highlight the importance of tissue and organ donation areas significantly in the improvement of the health system across the country.
The release will be published by maintaining the requirements of different social media channels, such as for Instagram post #donatelife week will be used. 

Outline for your media release

The objective for this release is:
The objective of this media release is to engage more people in the donate life week campaign in order to reach more people to spread awareness about organ donation.  
“Donatelife week campaign for spreading awareness about organ and tissue donation.” 
Lead paragraph: 
The major purpose of this press release is to spread awareness among the young Australian (18 to 25 years age group) about the importance of organ donation and to encourage them for this purpose.
Main idea paragraph 2: 
It has been observed that in Australia, the young people between 18 to 25 years of age donate their organs least which is only 14% (Gov, 2020). That is why considering this issue, the particular age group has been selected.
The main idea for paragraph 3: 
Donate life week is a programme of the Australian government. In 2020, the programme will be held from 26th Julys to 2nd august.  
The main idea for paragraph 4: 
There is a particular cause for arranging this campaign and they are: 
  • The number of new registers for donating organs is decreasing in Australia.
  • In order to improve the health system of Australia, organ donation is necessary.
The main idea for paragraph 5: 
The campaign will follow three primary strategies. They are:
  • Generating a common vision
  • Proper planning
  • Maintaining the stakeholder
The main idea for paragraph 6: 
Through the different social media channels like Instagram, the campaign will be promoted. 
Quotes to include:
It is recommended to invest more in the research and development area to present the campaign more accurately to the people. Your contribution can save a life…

For Release Time: 


Organ and Tissue Authority announces #Donatelife week campaign

City— Australia

Date  24th July

Positive Impact

The Donatelife week campaign will improve the number of organ donors in Australia. Along with this, it will help to develop the health system of the country. It has been observed that a huge number of Australian, especially the age group of 18 to 25 years, are not aware of the importance of organ and tissue donation in Australia. This campaign will provide a positive impact on them by encouraging the population to register himself as an organ donor in Australia.Positive Impact

Campaign availability

#Donatelife week is a programme of the Australian government. The programme will be held from 26th July to 2nd August. People can register himself through the website of organ and tissue authority as a donor. The people who have already registered themes as donors, need to talk with their family and friends and encourage them to donate organs. Along with this, the information of this campaign needs to be shared by the people to help organ and tissue authority to gather more people for this campaign. donate life

For more information, press only:

PR Contact Name: 1300 656 780

Phone number: 1300 656 896

Email: [email protected]

australian government organ and tissue authority

Your contribution can save a life…

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