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BSBHRM506 Manage Recruitment, Selection and Induction Processes at Woolworths Assessment Answer

BSBHRM506 Manage Recruitment, Selection and Induction

Instructions for student & Assessor This is the final activity for BSBHRM506 Manage Recruitment, Selection and Induction Processes Follow the activity instructions on the assessment plan information form.

Recommended minimum hours to complete assessment: 10 hours 

This assessment is in three parts all three parts must be completed 

IMPORTANT: Be aware that the UCA questions and instructions are also part of the marking guide and this sheet in its entirety must be attached to your assessment. Please ensure you read the questions and instructions carefully. Student must show a 75% demonstrable cognitive understanding in their answers, evidence, skills & documentation relating to the questions in the assessment. Upon any appeal; all parts of the questions and tasks would be weighted equally for benchmarking.

Purpose of this assessment activity 

This activity will assess your skills and knowledge in managing recruitment, selection and induction processes. You must present your activity in hard copy. Students are required to submit examples of documentation showing your active participation in managing recruitment, selection and induction processes. The activity must include answers to all parts of the task and contain adequate information to address all required criteria.

Performance Evidence 

Evidence of the ability to: • develop or critically analyse a policy and procedures framework for recruitment, selection and induction • identify the need for recruitment • prepare and oversee appropriate documentation required for recruitment • select and advise job applicants appropriately • manage the induction process • comply with relevant legislation and organisational requirements.

Knowledge Evidence To complete the unit requirements safely , the individual must explain principles and techniques associated with: 

• describe recruitment and selection methods, including assessment centres • explain the concept of outsourcing • describe the purpose of employee contracts and industrial relations • • summarise relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice that may affect recruitment, selection and induction • explain why terms and conditions of employment are an important aspect of recruitment • explain the relevance of psychometric and skills testing programs to recruitment.

Assessment Conditions

Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the general administration field of work and include access to office equipment and resources. 

The Activity must ensure that: You have access to an actual workplace (one that you are familiar with and have regular access) or simulated workplace and access to office equipment and resources (AH&B College)

Throughout this unit you will be assessed on:

1. Developing recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures 

2. Recruiting and selecting staff

3. Managing staff induction 

Follow the assessment instructions: Your assessment will need to be professional in style, content and format, (done on a computer; maximum font size 11 points; font Arial or Times New Roman; single spacing; clear paragraphs). Please attach this assessment cover sheet to all assessment submissions. 



In this first section of the assessment, you must develop recruitment, selection and induction processes for your organisation. (You must provide evidence of your involvement in the organisation) In your answer:
a) Find the current recruitment, selection and induction policies and objectives found in your organisation and state what the names of the documents are and where you found them and a summary of what they say. (200 words approx.) 

b) Write a summary of what you learnt from analysing these documents. Are they sufficient policies for recruitment, selection and induction process relevant to your organisation? Give reasons why/why not? Including examples. (300 words approx.)
c) As a result of the previous question where you have identified areas where the current policies are not sufficient. Write a summary of a recruitment and selection processes which you need to develop, to supplement those that are already in place. (200 words approx.)
d) Write what technology is currently used in the recruitment and selection process. (200 words approx.)
e) Write how you gained support from managers for the policies and procedures that you plan to develop (from c) ). Show an example of asking for this support and provide evidence of it (include email confirmation or a script of a discussion with the manager) (200 words approx.). 

f) What methods did you use to communicate policies and procedures to staff? You must provide evidence of this communication and evidence of recruitment forms currently in use. (200 words approx.)


In this second section of the assessment, you must develop recruitment and selection processes to complete the process. In your answer: 

a) Determine the future human resource needs of your organisation. What new positions will need to be created or new staff employed? State the name and job title of those with whom you consulted to find this information out. (Provide evidence of the meeting/discussion/notification) (200 words approx.) 

b) Provide a copy (or create one) of the Organisational Chart for the organisation where you work (AKA: Org Chart). 

c) Provide a copy of the person specification and job description that you used to recruit for the position(s) discussed in part a). If this is a new position you will need to write these ourself or if it is just employing a staff member to replace a previous staff member in an g position you can use the current ones. 

d) State what managers and other staff these were distributed to (Clearly identify their names, 

e) State (position and contact details) what training and/or support was required by current staff members regarding the requirement/selection of the new staff member(s) (120 words approx.) 

f) Provide a copy of the job advertisement and state how you ensured that this met all legal requirements. (200 words approx.) 

g) State specialists utilised and why they were used. 

h) Describe the selection procedures that you adopted and show how these were legal, fair and in line with your planning. (200 words approx.) 

i)Also include a reflection summary of your experiences with the recruitment and selection of the new employee.
j) Write a job offer document/contract of employment for the new employee including advice about salary, terms and conditions.


Now that you have a successful applicant in the position, you need to induct them into your organisation. To show that you have completed a successful induction, please provide the following evidence for your assessor:
a) Provide a training plan for current employes about the induction process for all those involved. (Write names/titles of those involved and details of the plan)
b) Attend the induction for the new staff member(s) and write a summary of the processes involved and whether the staff members in a) conducted it according to the plan. 

c) Provide a copy of a completed induction checklist for the new employee(s). (At least 20 Q&A) 

d) State how you got feedback on the induction process (from staff members) and list what feedback you received. (At least 3) State how you will use this feedback to improve induction in the future. (At least 3-5 Q&A) 

e) Write your performance improvement plan for the induction process and how improvement will help to meet objectives. (At least 1 Q&A) 

Write a summary of the management of the new employee(s) during their probationary period. Who ensured that they were working according to their job description and how did they do this? Include details of any further training or mentoring (after the induction) given in order to help them learn them do the duties for their new job. 


BSBHRM506 Manage Recruitment, Selection and Induction Processes

Unit Comprehension Assessment

AH&B College, Sydney, Australia

Part 1: Recruitment, Selection and Induction Processes

a. Current Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policies

The recruitment process at Woolworths is aimed towards ensuring that the appropriate candidates are in the appropriate job roles and responsibilities at the right time. The information pertaining to the policies can be found on the corporate website page of the group titled 'Our Recruitment Process' (Wowcareers, 2020). The company has a fair and equal treatment policy for the candidates applying for different positions. The policy of the group is to “treat candidates with fairness, consideration and courtesy”. At Woolworths, recruitment and selection are governed by the following policies:

  • Abiding by the Equal Employment Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination Legislation
  • The process of recruitment is driven solely based on the merit of the candidates to ensure the selection of the most appropriate people for the appropriate job roles
  • All candidates must be treated with professional courtesy, as well as, respect at all points of their contact with the company
  • Abiding by the Privacy Act legislation to ensure that the company can treat the personal information of the candidates appropriately

Induction policies within the company for employee orientation are mentioned in the Training page under the “Develop Your Career” section and are governed by four forms of training including; i) Apprenticeships, ii) Fastrack programs, iii) Management and Leadership Development and iv) Supermarket Retailing Certificate (Level 2) (Wowcareers, 2020).  

b. Justification of the Processes

From the evaluation of the recruitment and selection policies, it could be stated that the processes of recruitment and selection, in the context of Woolworths, are oriented towards placing the right candidates based on the relevance of their knowledge, skills and attributes to the specific job roles and responsibilities developed by the company for the job positions. This approach towards recruitment and selection allows the organisation in terms of ensuring that only the right people are hired to ensure utmost performance efficiency and talent optimisation of the employees. The recruitment and selection policy further reflects the company's efficient staffing management approach by hiring the right people only at the right time or only when a job vacancy or position has been created within the organisation's workforce. This allows the organisation to avoid unnecessary staffing contributing to the bottom line of the organisation, as well as, the enhancement of managerial supervision on the functions and performance of the workers. Furthermore, the recruitment and selection policies clearly reflect the company's competence in terms of abiding by legislation and regulations associated with employment in the legal framework of Australia and thereby, are just and appropriate. 

The induction policies, on the other hand, are somewhat vague and do not ensure a consolidated comprehension of the employee orientation processes to ensure that employees receive sufficient training concerning carrying out the corporate roles, functions and objectives. All the training activities listed within the career development and training page are focused on the provision of training to employees for career progression. In the Safety, Health and Wellbeing Policy document, it is reflected that the organisation is committed to developing a safe work environment through the provision of relevant supervision or instruction, training and information (Woolworthsgroup, 2020). Nevertheless, due to the lack of specifically mentioned induction policies, it may be difficult for candidates applying for job roles to understand how the company provides an orientation to newly hired employees.   

c. Summarising Recruitment and Selection Processes

Although the organisation emphasises on conducting its recruitment and selection processes solely based on the merit of the candidates, the process of evaluating the merit of the candidates could be confusing without effective evaluation practices. Therefore, to supplement the currently existing recruitment and selection processes within the organisation, I would suggest the inclusion of intensive screening procedures to assess the authenticity of the information provided by the candidates. The policies that would need to be included are;

  • Implementation of AI for Resume Screening: Being a well-known organisation, Woolworths receives applications from a large talent pool. The use of AI in resume screening through automated algorithms would allow Woolworths to save a substantial amount of time and effort to proceed with applicants that have the most relevant KSAs.
  • Reference Checking: Reference checking facilitates educated and informed decision-making while choosing the right candidates for job roles and positions. In the reference checking process, the HR professionals can email the previous employers/universities of the candidates to ensure the authenticity of the information provided by the applicants. 

Additionally, the company may also conduct skill tests that would further assess the competencies of the applicants and allow Woolworths to select the most talented applicants that have KSAs relevant to the job roles.

d. Use of Technology

Woolworths focuses extensively on the use of online platforms within the recruitment and selection process. The candidates are encouraged to submit applications online through the website of Corporate WOWCareers. Once the applications are submitted through the portal, they are manually screened and considered by the HR and Recruitment team within the organisation. To communicate and interact with the employees during the recruitment and selection processes, from the point of receiving the application to the point of accepting or rejecting the applicants, the company uses Emails. However, the applicants also have the option of logging into their accounts that are created at the time of applying for a vacant position at Corporate WOWCareers website and can check the application status under the “Job Management” section to evaluate the stage at which their applications are in at a certain point of time.

In addition to that, the organisation also utilises its social media platforms, as well as, other online job advertisement platforms such as LinkedIn for advertising the vacant job positions to reach a wider talent pool and encourage applications from a diverse range of candidates. The process of communicating and interacting with applicants from these platforms remains the same i.e. sending mails to the candidates.

e. Gaining Support from Upper Management

To gain the necessary support from the upper management to apply the three aforementioned screening procedures including the implementation of AI in resume screening, reference checking and the implementation of a basic skill test process, I conducted a meeting with my superiors in which I presented a business presentation prepared by me and other HR team members. The business presentation was oriented towards highlighting the ample benefits that could be availed by the organisation as a result of implementing the three aforementioned screening processes. Additionally, through the presentation, I also addressed how the company is losing valuable time due to the presence of only manual screening techniques within the company’s existing recruitment and selection processes. Once the presentation was over, I sent a mail attaching an infographic on the key advantages that could be availed by the organisation with the implementation of the screening processes to the upper management team and asked for their approval through the email for effectively implementing the new policies and processes in the context of the existing recruitment and selection processes.  

f. Methods of Communication

To communicate the details associated with the implementation of the new screening procedures and practices, I established an open and two-way communication channel through the company’s intranet platform to extend the reach of information and ensure that the relevant or concerned parties i.e. the HR professionals employed within different branches of the organisation were informed of the changes to be made in the context of recruitment and selection. A brief policy document consisting of the three screening processes were provided to all concerned parties through the intranet and were sent to them via email too. Furthermore, I performed a follow up through sending an encouraging email to all individuals that the policy brief was sent to in order to ensure that they understand the implications of the policy and whether they had any feedback or grievances to share concerning the policy brief.

The current recruitment form in use can be availed from the Corporate WOWCareers website of the organisation. It is an Application form that can be used by the candidates applying for the vacant positions within the company. The form can be filled and submitted online through the website.   

Part 2: Recruitment and Selection Processes

g. Future Human Resource Needs

Woolworths, as a means of improving its marketing competencies and strengthening existing marketing processes, is currently looking forward to hiring Marketing Managers, as well as, Digital Content Designers as full-time employees. The job vacancies are listed under the WOW Careers Website and can be applied to by willing candidates through the website. With the increasing focus on e-commerce and the growth of online marketing platforms, it could be stated that the organisation would need highly efficient, skilled and knowledgeable marketing managers that would monitor and supervise the performance and activities of the marketing team throughout the organisation, maintain interaction with business clients and provide training and development programs to the employees based on the performance evaluation of the employees. On the other hand, digital content designers would be responsible for the creation and development of creative and highly engaging posts in textual, image and video formats on the website, as well as, the social media platforms of the company to effectively influence consumer interest and engagement.

For the evaluation of the information, I consulted the senior HR managers currently employed within the company that is responsible for overseeing the performance of the HR management team and implement effective recruitment, selection and induction policies. 

h. Organisational Chart

Woolworths Organisational Chart

Figure 1: Woolworths Organisational Chart

Source: Woolworths, 2020

i. Person Specification and Job Description

Person Specification
This is a key hire for our growing team and will require superior stakeholder management skills, the ability to gain influence across all organisational levels as well as lead key business requirements.
Further to this, you will possess;
  • 8+ years previous experience working within a client-side marketing background with in-depth experience supporting B2B offerings 
  • Advanced knowledge of Marketing and Sales products and concepts relating to the business or food supplies industry, across digital and traditional channels.
  • Demonstrated capability in managing data and using intermediary and customer insights to apply relevant business decisions to realise business goals.
  • Strong analytical skills, with proven ability to translate data into actionable insights.
  • Working knowledge of MarTech, Salesforce, Adobe Experience or other similar B2B platforms
Job Description

The Marketing Manager - Customer Experience will act as the voice of our Customer across all parts of the business including Sourcing, Supply Chain, Marketing, Technology, Pricing and Sales.  With a customer-first approach, this role will work with our teams to ensure that our brand delivers on its commitments to the customer and continually looks at avenues to better build and develop the end to end customer experience through the varying touchpoints of their journey. 

Further, you will:

  • Lead interactions with customers to understand their end-to-end experiences from brand and marketing engagement, through to experiences across our digital assets and last-mile interactions 
  • Work closely with Marketing, Sales and Technology teams to understand Customer personas and the varying touchpoints of the Customer journey to articulate in a meaningful way
  • Use Data and insights to construct best practices and personalised experiences of our customers across technology, brand messaging, digital interactions  and last-mile experiences to ensure we deliver to our brand promise 
  • Build out effective content, tools and resources for business use
Track and analyse customer trends following feature updates, technology changes and optimisation projects

Table 1: Person Specification and Job Description


j. Distribution of Managers and other Staff

Contact Details

Senior Marketing Manager

Senior Human Resource Manager

Induction Training Supervisor

Human Resource Recruiter

Human Resource Recruiter

Table 2: Distribution to Managers and Other Staff

Source: Author

k. Training Required by Current Staff Members

To ensure effective implementation of the newly developed policies for screening within the recruitment and selection function, a training plan was developed for current staff members in the HRM department. The training program encouraged concerned staff members to be present in weekly workshops to receive training on improving their interviewing skills, as well as, on improving their knowledge of recruitment and selection-related legislative requirements. Furthermore, an induction training was provided to the concerned staff members to ensure that they were acquainted with the different operations and functions of the AI-induced software through a hands-on training approach. The staff members also need to receive further training on how to analyse and utilise the data collected through the screening software.

l. Job Advertisement

Marketing Manager - Customer Experience - B2B

  • Help create the future of our Woolworths Business offering
  • Play a key role in shaping the strategic direction & executing our customer value proposition
  • Based in Surry Hills  

The position

The Marketing Manager - Customer Experience will act as the voice of our Customer across all parts of the business including Sourcing, Supply Chain, Marketing, Technology, Pricing and Sales.  With a customer-first approach, this role will work with our teams to ensure that our brand delivers on its commitments to the customer and continually looks at avenues to better build and develop the end to end customer experience through the varying touchpoints of their journey. 

Further, you will:

  • Lead interactions with customers to understand their end-to-end experiences from brand and marketing engagement, through to experiences across our digital assets and last-mile interactions 
  • Work closely with Marketing, Sales and Technology teams to understand Customer personas and the varying touchpoints of the Customer journey to articulate in a meaningful way
  • Use Data and insights to construct best practices and personalised experiences of our customers across technology, brand messaging, digital interactions  and last-mile experiences to ensure we deliver to our brand promise 
  • Build out effective content, tools and resources for business use
  • Track and analyse customer trends following feature updates, technology changes and optimisation projects

About you 

This is a key hire for our growing team and will require superior stakeholder management skills, the ability to gain influence across all organisational levels as well as lead key business requirements.
Further to this, you will possess;
  • 8+ years previous experience working within a client-side marketing background with in-depth experience supporting B2B offerings 
  • Advanced knowledge of Marketing and Sales products and concepts relating to the business or food supplies industry, across digital and traditional channels.
  • Demonstrated capability in managing data and using intermediary and customer insights to apply relevant business decisions to realise business goals.
  • Strong analytical skills, with proven ability to translate data into actionable insights.
  • Working knowledge of MarTech, Salesforce, Adobe Experience or other similar B2B platforms
If you meet a number of requirements (and not all), we encourage you to submit your application.
Joining the Group
As an inclusive, team-first company, our people are at the core of everything we do. 
We care deeply about creating a workplace where our team members feel valued, respected and empowered. We are committed to providing equal opportunity regardless of gender identity, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or life stage and we are proud to be recognised as a Gold Tier Employer in the Australian Workplace Equality Index for LGBTI inclusion.
As our Group continues to evolve, innovate and support our communities, we encourage our team members to do the same with their own careers, by providing ongoing opportunities to grow and make a real difference. 
We value flexibility and encourage our team members to work in ways that meet their work/life commitments and support their wellbeing.  
We work hard to create a safe and inclusive environment for all, and most importantly, we're all about creating better experiences – for our customers and for each other.
We’d love to hear from You
If you meet a number of the requirements, but not all, we encourage you to submit your application. You can learn more about working with us on LinkedIn or via #LI #work180
Our Talent Acquisition Team and Hiring Leaders kindly request no unsolicited resumes or approaches from Recruitment Agencies. Woolworths Group is not responsible for any fees related to unsolicited resumes.

Table 3: Copy of the Job Advertisement

Source: Career 10 Woolworths, 2020

To ensure meeting all legal requirements, I ensured that the job advertisement clearly specified the duties and responsibilities that are expected to be carried out by the selected candidates. The specifics of the job roles and duties allow applicants to understand the range of obligatory duties that they are supposed to perform if selected. Additionally, I also ensured that the job advertisement clearly specified the requirements or the eligibility criteria for the candidates applying for the position to ensure that there was adequate information concerning the expectations of the company. To conform with the equal employment opportunity act, I ensured that the advertisement specified that it is not necessary for the candidates to meet all of the qualification requirements but rather, they are descriptive of the company’s initial expectation. Furthermore, I also ensured that the advertisement was informed sufficiently in terms of allowing potential applicants to know how to apply for the position. Furthermore, to prevent harm done to potential candidates and to conform with the privacy act, the organisation ensures that the job vacancies are posted by the company itself and not by external consultants that may charge fees from candidates.

m. Specialists Utilised

The job advertisement was designed internally within the organisation. The specialists that were involved in the development of the job advertisement were HRM professionals. The HRM department of Woolworths oversees staffing, recruitment, selection, as well as, induction and keep track of the workforce performance, talent pool and other factors. Furthermore, they also ensure that the performance of the human resources within the organisation are aligned with the objectives and goals of the company and thereby, the HRM professionals have a substantial idea regarding where new talent is required within the company. 

n. Selection Procedures

The first selection procedure was resume screening that identified the employees having the most relevant and appropriate KSAs as per the company expectations and ensured that people having similar skillsets were given substantial opportunities for further consideration. The second selection procedure was reference checking which ensured that the information provided by the applicants on their resumes were up-to-date and authentic to ensure that only reliable and eligible people were selected for further consideration. The final procedure was skill-tests that allowed the organisation to evaluate applicant competencies to ensure that all candidates had equal opportunities for showcasing their skills to the company.

o. Reflection Summary

With the use of the AI-induced screening policy, I was able to save a tremendous amount of time and effort that would otherwise be invested in manually going through the resumes and determine which candidates had the most to offer to the organisation. Furthermore, for the skill-test, I used an MCQ format that was checked with the help of a software to rapidly-produce outcomes which further made the whole process quick and efficient. 

p. Job Offer Document

Woolworths Group
Dear _______,
I, _______, am delighted to extend this employment offer to you for the position of Marketing Manager with WooliesX. You are requested to go through the below-mentioned conditions to acknowledge the employment offer.
Should you accept the offer, you will be required to join the company from _______ and you will be placed under the direct supervision of Mr. ______. As a Marketing Manager (for B2B client interaction), your gross salary will be _______ per year.
Terms and Conditions:
  • During your employment, you will be directly reported to _______ 
  • You are employed as a full-time employee and will need to work 40 hours per week. The schedule of duty will be Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00
  • The term of employment is "at-will" and either you or the Company have the right to terminate the employment contract with or without cause at any reason 
  • However, a written notice must be provided by either party in case a decision of termination is taken
  • As a B2B Marketing Manager, you are entitled to 36 CL and 26 EL per year

Table 4: Job Offer Document

Source: Author

Part 3: Induction Processes

q. Induction Training Plan

Responsible Personnel
Formal Introduction to Colleagues
To make the entrant feel welcome and comfortable
1st Day

Brief on Company Culture
To ensure needed comprehension of the corporate goals, vision, mission, history, beliefs and values
1st Day

Market and Market Size
To ensure needed comprehension of consumer segments, market share and competition
1st Day

Appraisal and Performance
To orient and inspire the new entrant as to how performance is evaluated and appraised by the company
2nd Day

Information Sources
To ensure comprehension of the different sources of information used within the company
2nd-3rd Day

Company Rules
To ensure comprehension of the work processes, workplace policies on issues such as harassment or abuse, inform of the health and safety policies and others
3rd-4th Day

Job Responsibilities, Supervision and Requirements
To ensure comprehension of the company expectations, the activities that are expected to be carried out by the new entrant and who the new entrant will report to
4th-7th Day

Table 5: Induction Training Plan

Source: Author

r. Summary of Induction Processes

The induction process was designed to initially make the new entrants feel warmly welcome and comfortable within the company. The further phases of the induction plan were developed to ensure that the entrants were informed of the company’s objectives, strategies, work policies and procedures, as well as, the expectations that it holds from the entrants. All of the concerned authorities performed the induction plan efficiently. 

s. Induction Checklist

Name of Employee
Job Title of Employee
Mode of Recruitment
Job Classification
Probationary Period
Pay Rates
Leaves and Holidays
Employment Status
Availability of Employee Rosters
Application for Time-Off 
Company Rules on Discrimination and Harassment
HR Policies and Functions
Dress Code
Alcohol and Drug Policies
Procedures for Grievance and Discipline 
Telephone Calls and Personal Visits in Office Hours
Reporting Absences
Department Duties

Table 6: Induction Checklist

Source: Author

t. Gathering Feedback on Induction Processes

An online survey was conducted to gather feedback from the staff members through the company’s intranet. The survey revealed that a) the induction plan was fairly short and it may be beneficial for the organisation to increase induction schedule by another week, b) the induction plan did not mention the criteria for career progression and promotion which may be non-inspiring for the new entrants and c) the implementation of a cloud-based induction training program could save the company a substantial amount of resources and make the induction process more efficient.

Questions Asked:

  • Is the duration of the induction plan sufficient?
  • Do you think that the induction plan is foolproof?
  • What can be done to improve the induction plan?

u. Performance Improvement Plan

To make the induction process more effective and engaging for the new entrants, the trainers must be provided with sufficient resources to understand the basics of visual training and how to avoid text-based training to ensure that the induction process is not stale for the new recruits. Furthermore, the trainers will also receive advice from the upper management concerning how to use motivational language while providing induction to the new recruits.

v. Summarising Management of New Employees

During the probationary period, the activities and tasks performed by the new entrants had been carried out by the Senior Marketing Managers within the marketing and advertisement department. A mentorship program was implemented by the Sr. Marketing Managers to provide hands-on training to the new entrants and to keep a check on their performance and whether or not they were fulfilling their duties with accuracy and efficiency.

Customer Testimonials