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BHM202 Application of Motivational Theories to Given Case Study Assessment Answer

Subject Name: Sustaining Business Relationships 

Subject Code: BHM202 

Assignment title/Item: Case Study & Analysis

Essay Word Count Limit:1200 not including references

Weighting: 30% 

Semester/Trimester: Sem. 1, 2020 


The analysis of a case study will form the basis of your research and application of motivation theories. You are to take the role of manager. Christine, in using the theories making the recommendations that you believe will resolve some of the motivation issues raised within the case study. 

 Assessment brief: 

Your task is to use the case study loaded under Assessment 2 in Brightspace as a base from which you will research and apply suitable theories of motivation. 

Essay Question: "Using the details in the case study, and the application of at least two theories of motivation (either Operant Conditioning OR Maslow's Theory of Needs AND one (1) other theory of your choice), what do you recommend that the manager, Christine, should do to motivate Rachel?" 

The structure is as follows:


Introduction (200 words)

Question/topic, definitions, high level outline of the essay

Motivation theory one (250-300 words) (One of   Operant Conditioning OR Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs)

Identify the case study motivation issue/s Name & explain a   theory of motivation Apply that theory to the case study motivation issue

Motivation theory two (250 — 300 words) (One   additional theory)

Identify the case study motivation issue/s Name & explain a   theory of motivation Apply that theory to the case study motivation issue

Recommendations (250 — 300 words)

Using your application of the theories to the case study from   paragraph 2 and 3 above, make some recommendations of what the manager should   do to fix/address the motivation issues raised in the case study.

Conclusion (100 — 150 words)

Summarise your main points (paragraph 2-4) Provide a final sentence   or two summarising the actions you have recommended that the manager should   take. 


Motivational theories

The purpose of the essay is to focus on the motivation theories and how the manager Christine would be using the motivational theories to provide recommendations based on the case study. The purpose of the assignment is to focus on the motivation theories such as the Maslow Hierarchy Need theory and the Herzberg Theory of the X & Y, the can help to determine the employee's motivation and the engagement plans, based on which the employees looks to improve their performance, accomplish goals in an organization (Van Damme, 2018).

 Motivation theories are tasked with the identification of how the individuals are able to drive the individuals towards a common work that can work towards a common goal or outcome. The theories help to understand how the motivational theories can differentiate between the intrinsic and extrinsic factors: and how the intrinsic factor can help to drive up the individual's interest, enjoyment and further the ways to use the willingness to partake in an activity. For example, in an organization if the employee would like to grow and progress, the motivational factor can be personal or can be professional, depends entirely on the scenario and the circumstances (McEvoy, 2019). The motivational factor can be monetary and non-monetary, depends on the individual needs, preferences, and wants.

Motivation Theory 

Maslow Hierarchy

As per the Maslow Hierarchy needs of the theory, which has been propounded by Abraham Maslow and further it is obligated as per the observations of humans’ who can innate curiosity (Rudolph, 2016). As per the theory, it is important to focus on human development psychology and it is necessary to progress over the stages of the growth of humans. Further, as per the classification system, the theory is about human developmental psychology, that can help to originate and growth stages in humans. The main compilation is of the classification system can identify the needs of society and to derive the emotions needs of the employees. The study shows how to have the hierarchy approach of the "physiological", "safety", "belonging and love" along with the "social needs" or "esteem", and further can help in the  "self-actualization" to that can identify the human motivation (Linnenbrink-Garcia,  et al, 2018)The motivation would be obligated at the next stage and can help to derive the individual satisfaction and correlate with the human behavior. It is important to have the internal sensation which can subsequently derive the complete hierarchy (Le Grand, 2018).

Maslow HierarchySource (Bernabé-Valero, 2018)

Physiological needs

It is the need, which is the main motivation foundation which is the basic survival. It is the physiological needs which can help an individual to accommodate human needs. It is an internal motivation and helps to understand the intrinsic value.

Safety needs

To understand the safety and security on the basis of the environment and where the employee feels secured. 

Social belonging

The social belonging to the family, society, and the overall attributes (Bernabé-Valero 2018).Self-esteem

Self-esteem and self-respect are the two factors, which the individual feel secured at, after accomplishing the first three levels.


Self-realization if an overall feeling good factor about oneself in a secured environment.

Motivation theory ->Herzberg – Two-factor theory

As per the Herzberg - Two-factor theory, which is the Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory identifies how there can be certain factors, found in the workplace that can cause the satisfaction while the other separate set of the factors can cause the dissatisfaction, who would be the independent of each other (Bowling 2018).

As per Herzberg's theory the main importance of the internal job factors would be the motivating forces which are required to be followed for employees. While the main obligation is to increase job enrichment for employees, the other is the Herzberg interpretation, is of the opportunity for the employees who would like to continue to perform in planning, performing, and even help in the evaluation within their work. It was suggested to go by the below-:

Herzberg's theory

Source (Bowling, 2018)

  • To remove the control management which is over the employees and further progress to increase and overcome the accountability and responsibility which can be obligated with the work, that can help to consequent in return to the increase of employee autonomy.
  • Further, it is important to obligate and even overcome any natural work units where it is possible and allow the employees to focus on a certain part that can create it. 
  • To obligate and provide regular and continuous feedback and further help to derive productivity and job performance directly to employees instead of through the supervisors.
  • To encourage the employees and also work progressively over the new and challenging tasks which can help to become experts at the given task.

As per the Two-Factor Theory, it is possible to use the below combination

  1. High Hygiene + High Motivation: Which can help to motivate and work over a few complaints.
  2. High Hygiene + Low Motivation: To have the employees with a few complaints who would not be highly motivated (Brown, 2018)
  3. Low Hygiene + High Motivation: If the employees are having a lot of complaints and further, there would be a situation of the job, which is exciting and challenging for the salaries and the work conditions which are substandard.
  4. Low Hygiene + Low Motivation: It is one of the worst situations and would not make the employees encourage following many complaints (Lavergne, 2016).


The motivation there can be applied over the employee to lead performance. Motivation can subsequently be applied based on the goal or as per the certain performance level that can help to lead the goal-directed behavior (Camaj, 2018). Further, employee motivation can help them to derive personal accomplishment in completing a task. It can be personalized based such as the basic provision of the food, security, sense of achievement or simply to gain more monetary, or it can be professional, which is the career progress, to have the better social status and also acquire the improved skills set, technical expertise and to grow in life. In an organization the motivation theory can be applied, through the performance measure such as how the employee is increasing their domain knowledge and having skills expertise and at the same time, with every improvement the reward such as bonus, perks, incentives, and the other gains can be given. The non-monetary can be recognition and accolades through which the employee would feel a better position within the organization. 

  • The organization can use the ability approach, which is to focus on training, development, and acquiring skills, knowledge that can enhance performance in the organization. 
  • The other recommendation is to improve the environmental factors such as the resources, information, and finding support, that can help to fulfill needs and have a better performance. 
  • Based on the employee's limitation, assessment and key requirements a desired charted path, that can derive a goal-driven behavior and have a personal sense of achievement and fulfillment of the goals (Lavergne, 2016)


To conclude, the basic motivation theories can help to explain how the individual is governed with the motivated behavior that can help to satisfy their needs. It is a benefit and a positive effect, which can bring a better solution for productivity, quality, and overall performance. To motivate an employee the Maslow theory of actualization has played a vital role in shaping up the individual thoughts and examining their behavior. Through the X&Y motivational theory, it would help to balance the employee environment, which is the hygiene factors and the personal motivators. It would help to motivate an employee in the given organization. 

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