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3LCM Supporting Individual Learning Through Coaching and Mentoring Assessment Answer



1.1  Explain the concept of coaching and how it differs from mentoring and other learning and development methods

1.2 Identify and explain different types and styles of coaching

1.3 Analyse the stages in a one-to-one coaching process, and the roles of coach and coachee

1.4 Identify the potential benefits of coaching for coach and coache

2.1 Explain the concept of mentoring and the nature of the relationship between mentor and mentee
2.2 Describe a typical mentoring process and roles of mentor and mentee
2.3 Identify the potential benefits of mentoring for mentor and mentee

3.1 Explain models and techniques used in coaching and mentoring and how these can support individual learning

3.2 Demonstrate the use of models and techniques within a coaching or mentoring conversation

3.3 Use an appropriate format to record outcomes and agreed actions resulting from a coaching or mentoring conversation.

CIPD Assessment Activity Template

Title of unit/s
Supporting Individual Learning through Coaching & Mentoring
Unit Code
Credit value
Assessment method
Presentation & Demonstration
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit, learners will:
  • Understand the nature, purpose and practice of coaching.
  • Understand the nature, purpose and practice of mentoring.
  • Be able to use coaching and mentoring models and techniques to support individual learning.
  • Know how to record coaching and mentoring activity.
All activities should be completed
Activity 1
Your organisation wants to move towards more of a ‘coaching and mentoring culture’ and has asked you to help upgrade line managers’ knowledge and skills in this area. To begin this process, you have decided to write a briefing note for managers, entitled ‘The Essentials of Coaching and Mentoring’ in which you will explain the following points:
  • the concepts of coaching and mentoring and how they differ from other L&D methods 
  • the potential benefits of coaching and mentoring for coach/mentor and coachee/mentee
  • coaching: 3 different types of coaching and what is meant by directive and non-directive styles of coaching
  • coaching: the stages in a one-to-one coaching process and the roles of coach and coachee
  • mentoring: the nature of the relationship between mentor and mentee, a typical mentoring process and the roles of mentor and mentee
  • 2 models and 2 techniques which can be used in coaching and mentoring and how these can support individual learning
  • how coaching and/or mentoring activities might be recorded, with a completed example
Activity 2
You also need to be competent at carrying out a coaching session, demonstrating the use of a coaching model and 2 basic coaching techniques (e.g. active listening, questioning, summarising, facilitating reflection, goal setting).  For the purpose of this activity, you will demonstrate a 20-minute coaching activity with a colleague, whilst being observed by your tutor/assessor. 

Evidence to be produced
Activity 1: A 1500 word briefing note entitled ‘The Essentials of Coaching and Mentoring’
Activity 2: Tutor/assessor Observation Record (see attached).

Effective use of a coaching model (please state which model was used) 
Effective use of at least 2 coaching techniques (please state which techniques were used) 


Activity 1

Concept of Coaching and Mentoring

The concept of coaching focuses on improving the performance aims at the current development of the coachee rather than focusing on the distant future or past. On the other hand, Mentoring includes sharing knowledge, life experience and skills for guiding a person towards achieving their full potential. Other major L&D methods include classroom training, hands-on training, interactive learning and e-learning. The process of coaching is significantly performance-driven. However, Denton and Heiney-Smith (2020) argued that in classroom learning, the individual learning need is not taken into consideration which reduces the possibility of performing better. Furthermore, mentoring is mainly a development-driven approach which focuses on the holistic development of the mentee. However, in hands-on training, soft skills of the persons are not enhanced, which further deteriorates the overall development process. It is also imperative to consider that the improvement of the on-the-job performance of a person is the main focus of coaching.

In the case of interactive learning, trainees can interact with the trainer, and they also learn from each other. However, interactive learning is not applicable for introverted learners as they cannot interact (King et al. 2019). Mentoring largely emphasises on the career development of the mentees. On the other hand, e-learning helps people to choose the time, pace and topic of training. However, tracking the progress of the trainee can be problematic.

Key Benefits of Coaching

The main benefits of coaching are witnessed more prominently on the coachee. The coach can improve their skill sets. Furthermore, they can witness their strengths as well as weaknesses. The performance of the individuals is improved as well. The coachees also feel encouraged to take part in the organisational activity (Thompson, 2019). On the other hand, coaching benefits the coaches significantly as well. The process of coaching is satisfying as well as rewarding. For a coach, the process of coaching helps them to strengthen their relationship with the subordinates. Coaching is a two-way learning process which ensures that coaches also learn from the subordinates. Therefore, this process also enhances the professional and personal development of the coach. Besides, mentoring helps the mentees to receive practical advice, support and encouragement. Denton and Heiney-Smith (2020) also stated that learning from the experience of others is the main benefit of a mentee. The mentee is also able to improve its decision-making ability with mentoring. Furthermore, a mentor can improve their personal and communication skills. Mentors are also able to improve their management and leadership qualities with the procedure of mentoring. The motivation and confidence of the mentor are also enhanced.  

Types of Coaching

Types of coaching can be segregated in majorly three kinds of styles, which are democratic autocratic and holistic. In the democratic style of coaching, the coaches ensure that in the process of decision making, all of the team members participate. Besides, an autocratic style of coaching considers the telling approach, and with this style, the teammates do not express their opinions (Fransen et al. 2020). A sense of dictatorship is witnessed in this process. Holistic coaching helps in self-improvement of the coachee along with an emphasis on the larger picture of coachee's life. Therefore, in this process, the personal and professional development of the coachees is ensured. Directive coaching includes explaining and demonstrating a new skill or approach for the coachee to imitate and implement. This style of coaching follows a procedure of telling, showing and doing. On the contrary, a non-directive style of coaching is focused on allowing the recipient to formulate their solutions as well as actions as the result of effective questioning and listening from the coach (Dolot, 2018). This style provides the freedom to the coachees to enhance decision-making capabilities.

One-on-One Coaching

One-on-one coaching sessions are significantly helpful for exploring the specific challenges faced by a coachee. One-to-one coaching can be provided in five stages, such as, analyse, prepare, conduct, document and follow up. At the stage of analysing, data about the performance of the employees is collected and interpreted. At the following stage of preparing, the interaction is planned (Moody, 2019). Besides, at the stage of conducting, questions are needed to be asked during the session. Perspectives and insights are also shared between the two persons. The stage of documenting involves setting specific goals regarding the upcoming actions. Finally, at the stage of following up, the former processes are repeated to follow up with the progress as coaching is a continuous procedure.

Coachees have the responsibility of sharing the ideas as well as objections during one-on-one training. Coachees are also responsible for sharing their opinions and insights about certain issues faced by the organisation. On One-on-one coaching sessions, the role of the coach is to listen to the issues faced by the coachees and also find out their true response (MacLennan, 2017). The coach also has the responsibility of interacting with the coachee at the personal level to ensure that the coachee is comfortable sharing their viewpoints.

Mentor and Mentee Relationship

In mentoring, two main participants are the mentor and mentee. Therefore, it is important to explore the nature of their relationship. The respective relationship is a two-way relationship which focuses on the advancement of the performance of an individual. According to Chong et al. (2020), a mentor helps a mentee to improve their skills and abilities with the help of observations. Assessment, modelling and provision of guidance decide the nature of their relationship. A mentoring process is the amalgamation of four stages. The stages include preparation, negotiation, growth and closure. At the stage of preparation, the mentor needs to initiate contact with the mentee. At this stage, background information is also shared between one another. At the stage of negotiation, mentoring goals are created. Moreover, the discussion is carried out regarding the goals. Evaluation of the progress and goals are also taken into consideration. At the stage of enabling growth, both the parties need to listen and advise. Asking for and providing feedback is one of the major requirements of this stage.

At this stage of mentoring, constructive criticism takes place as well. At the final stage, there is the stage of coming to closure. The participating parties need to express their feelings regarding the experience. They also need to explore the aspects they have learned. According to Burston (2019), in the process of mentoring, the mentor's role can be stated by the three C's of mentorship. These three C's include being consultant, counsellor and cheerleader. The mentors play the role of consultants as they provide specific solutions. The mentors are considered to be counsellors as they provide valuable lessons to the mentees for mending their mistakes. The mentors have the role of a cheerleader as along with providing feedback and advice; the mentors also need to provide enthusiasm and support. The role of the mentees is absorbing the knowledge of the mentors. They also have the role of possessing the desire and ambition of knowing the use of absorbed knowledge.

Coaching Models and Techniques

Two of the major coaching and mentoring models are the GROW coaching model and the model of Functional mentoring. As per Grant (2011), the GROW coaching model, comprising of four stages in a sequential order including Goal>Reality>Options>Will assumes that coaches do not need to be experts in the situation of the coachees but rather encourage personal and proactive participation of the coachees to identify issues faced by them through experience and generate resolutions. It offers a framework for coaches to form general questions to provide dynamic development opportunities for the coaches by eliciting goals, obstacles, potential options without forcing any specific direction. On the other hand, the model of functional mentoring includes a project baked mentoring relationship in which the mentee can find a mentor for a particular skill. Functional mentoring is significantly helpful in individual learning. The main impact of functional mentoring on the mentees is learning the dynamics of operation in a company. The learners are also able to develop relationships within the organisation. 

The learning process in mentoring is significantly informal, which helps to gain more confidence. Two major techniques of coaching and mentoring can be goal setting and using open-ended questions. The benefit of goals setting is substantial on the teaching activities. As per Shahriet al. (2020), goal setting can benefit a learner to have focused attention. The learners are also able to become more persistent, and they are encouraged to accomplish their goals. Asking open-ended questions substantially enhances the conversation between the mentee and the mentor. In the process of individual learning, mentees can share their ideas and participate in the conversation, which can be significantly effective in learning. 

Recording a Coaching Activity

To record a coaching activity, it is imperative to take consent of the record sessions. Coaches, as well as coachees, can feel uncomfortable for their coaching activities being recorded. Therefore, in the standard agreement of coaching, it is needed to be stated that the coaching session can be recorded for training and development purposes. A face to face recording can be done with the help of a smartphone or any other recording device. In the case of online coaching sessions, call recorders and video recorders can be utilised. Conference calls of coaching activities can also be recorded. 

Activity 2

Application of the GROW model

  • In my personal coaching activity, I utilised the GROW model of coaching.
  • The GROW model follows Goal, Reality, Options and Will. 
  • The GROW model of coaching helps in transforming the coaching process in organisations.

In the Goal stage, I engaged in an insightful conversation with the coachee to obtain their perspective as to what they wanted to achieve. Through encouraging the coachee to reflect on their experiences, I gained a clear idea of the issues. At the second stage, I again used a reflective questionnaire to assess the current position or the Reality of the coachee's situation. The third stage involved presenting a set of interactive and reflective questionnaire to the coachee to create a brainstorming process where the Coachee and I combinedly generated potential solution without any conditionality and thereafter, structured the generated solutions to evaluate the options. Finally, after the evaluation of the options, the most feasible one was chosen at the Will stage and a concrete plan of action was developed to maximise the coachee’s motivation. 

Application of the GROW model

  • At the Goal and Reality stages, it was assessed what the coachee wants to achieve and what is currently limiting their capacity to reach that goal
  • At the Options stage, several potential options were brainstormed 
  • At the Will stage, one solution was chosen based on its relevance and feasibility to the coachee’s situation

At the first stage, I used several questions such as “what’s important to the coachee in relevance with the goal”, “what did they want to achieve” and “how will they know if they have reached the goal”. At the second stage, I asked several questions such as “what’s happening to them currently”, “what are the consequences of the issues they are facing”, “what can make the situation different and what are the defining factors”. At the third stage, I asked several questions such as “what else could you do to resolve the issue”, “what resources you need to reach the goal”, “how will you evaluate the options” and “what are the benefits and drawbacks of the brainstormed options”. At the fourth stage, I encouraged the coachee to develop concrete plans of actions to ensure that all of the actions faced by them were considered and the opportunities for overcoming the issues were provided.

Benefits of the coach by applying the GROW model

  • I did not have to be an expert at providing definite solutions to the coachee’s problem
  • The application of this model allowed me to ensure complete coachee satisfaction
  • It allowed me to understand the importance of providing a dynamic opportunity for the coachee’s development

The application of this model allowed me to base the solutions on the exact needs of the coachee instead of being limited to pre-defined solutions to a range of wider issues. Through ensuring proactive participation, I was able to increase the engagement level of the coachee in the development process which led to increased satisfaction of the coachee. Additionally, asking effective and reflective questions allowed me to develop a sense of greater responsibility and awareness which inspired me to assist the coachee to the best of my abilities to ensure their accomplishment.

Benefits of the coachee by applying the GROW model

  • This model took into account the personal experiences of the coachee
  • It increased the motivation and confidence levels of the coachee
  • It ensured that the coachee had the needed skills and resources to achieve the defined goal

Through the process of reflection, it was ensured that I understood the issues clearly from the perspective of the coachee and did not shape the solutions in a constructive manner that would provide only one direction to the coachee. Rather, I was effectively able to realise what exactly the coachee wants to achieve and assist them in realising that goal by ensuring that the coachee had the right resources, opportunities and skills to do so and thereby, motivate the coachee to proceed further. The coachee was able to effectively comprehend their weaknesses and strengths, as well as, the pros and cons of the brainstormed ideas leading to a more fruitful choice of the final option. Finally, the application of this model provided the coachee in a future direction. 

Application of active listening

  • Active listening is significantly consequent to the GROW model of coaching.
  • To improve dyadic relations, active listening can be helpful.
  • Using questions is an important part of active listening.

I chose the technique of active listening in my coaching session in the organisation. I paid attention to the statements of the coachees. I also withheld any kinds of judgement in the discussion to ensure that I can review their opinion without any biases. I also applied reflection as it is an important technique within active listening. I also attempted to achieve clarity in the discussion, as asked questions about any kind of ambiguity. In order to ask questions, I attempted to ask open-ended questions. I also ensured that I get responses to my answers to know about the viewpoint of the coachee effectively. I also summarised the main themes of the conversation to ensure that I have not overlooked any important insights.

Benefits of the coach by applying active listening

  • I was able to build good communication with the coachees.
  • I identified and solved the problems that arise in the discussion.
  • I strengthened my verbal, active listening skills.

As a coach, the application of active listening has helped me severely. I was able to build trust and a communicative relationship with the coachees. Some of the coachees provided some valuable insights into the topic of discussion. I was able to increase my knowledge of the topics with their insights. As I summarised important insights about the session, I also could not miss the critical information. I was able to display empathy as well to the coachees. Further, I was able to recall particular details.

Benefits of coachee by applying active listening

  • The coachees can achieve certain goals as I helped them set actionable steps. 
  • The coachees also became capable of understanding the knowledge shared in discussion.
  • I also realised that the coachees were also able to express their personal beliefs which help in unlocking potential.

My application of active listening was helpful for the improvement of the coachees. They were able to engage in active communication. The coachees were also able to have complete attention to a subject. They were also able to adjust with the opinions of others, as active listening promotes adjustment. The attitude of them transformed in front of me as they became more communicative with time. Their non-verbal listening skills, such as nodding, smiling and maintaining eye contact.

Application of Facilitating reflection

  • Facilitating reflection is one of the most important techniques of coaching.
  • Facilitating reflection is aimed at analysing the experience with thoughtful deliberation.
  • Creative thinking is enhanced in the process of facilitating reflection.

I also applied the technique of facilitating reflection in my coaching session. I applied the technique by asking myself about how often I need to reflect. It is essential to think about the occasions of reflection as I can miss important insights into the discussion. I attempted to facilitate reflection about my every statement. I also ensured that I am more adaptable while listening to the suggestions of the coaches. In the process of reflection, I also ensured that I encourage the coachees to participate. I also explained the key points of the meeting to the coachees. Furthermore, I also re-watched the recording of the session to explore the main defects of the system.

Benefits of the coach by applying Facilitating reflection

  • Facilitating reflection helped me in linking my knowledge to practice.
  • I was able to improve my coaching style with reflection.
  • I also found out various issues faced by the coachees.

The application of facilitating reflection has significantly helped me in improving my way of coaching. My knowledge was applied in the process more effectively with reflection. As I was able to reflect, I realised my mistakes in coaching. I realised that I had a lack of empathy. I also noticed that my verbal communication skills were not satisfactory. After applying this technique, I became more sensitive towards the statements of the coachees. The application also helped in accomplishing a better understanding of myself.

Benefits of coachee by applying Facilitating reflection

  • Reflection helped improve the skill set of the coachees.
  • Reflective thinking technique helped coaches to share their views on multiple occasions. 
  • Coachees also participated in the process of reflection.

As I was able to link my knowledge to practice, the coachees were able to see their potential in the conversation. The reflective practice also enhanced the ability of the coachees to improve their participation in the discussion. As I reflected with the coachees, they provided useful information about the actions that needed to be undertaken. Therefore, I realised that coachees were also helped by facilitating reflection. It also attempted to ensure that all the issues are solved within the discussion. Therefore, coachees also reflected about the doubtful area that was needed to be explored again.

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